Sunday, April 24, 2016

Change of Plans (but Snackers are still awesome!)

Important update!

Last week, we retired the "* is awesome" app idea in favor of an alternate idea.

The new app is to be a facilitator for student study groups. Users will be able to post messages, which can be filtered by tags identifying the class. We will use Firebase for the backend. We are also investigating Google login.

One benefit will be to limit group emails when students wish to study together (or earn math/comp. sci. culture points?)

We have had a setback recently when two different Gradle versions clashed after a pull from Github, but we have restored the project and will continue to work on the layout.


Friday, April 22, 2016

End of Week 7 Binary Hero

Today we had our scrum meeting which went well. I have been helping create the password functionality of Binary Hero. We will have passwords in order to jump to higher levels. We have a lot of Binary Hero done! I was going to look into new fonts and mess with the looks a little bit to find something I like a bit better, but everything is going well with it!

It is currently a game that drops circles with binary numbers in it. The bottom of the screen says "find 'number'" and the user has to tap the circle that converts to the number they are told to find. This continues until all of the circles have been correctly tapped, or until the circles hit the bottom of the screen too many times.

I would like to see us add some sort of penalty for hitting the wrong circle. Which I will definitely be looking into! I am excited how far we have come with Binary Hero though! (-Alex)

Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Day 1 & Day 2: Brainstorming

Today something Awesome happened! Scott, Chris and I jokingly came up with an app idea. It all started when I said I won't be in class on Friday. We went down the list and found out that Chris Green might be the only one in class that day. It was therefore feared that he might scrapped everything, come up with a different app idea, jokingly name and claim that it was unanimously agreed that was the app we were going to develop. Jokingly we started story boarding .<to be continued> (-Nelly)

<continued> Our initial storyboard consisted of four images, each of which demonstrated a key technical feature of a tablet employed by the app; this included a GPS tracker (to find me for high-fives) and multi-touch detection (for virtual hugs), and we discussed even including a hygrometer (I might be sweaty). People everywhere would know where to find me for a high-five. It was all good fun, laughs were had, and we already had ideas for the glowing reviews. Of course, it was all a joke.

That is, until Dr. Stonedahl took a look and...well, quite shockingly, appeared to appreciate the idea.

Thus began our serious plans for our "Awesome" app. Understandably, my name has been dropped from the working title in favor of a more general "YouAreAwesome" or something to that effect. Though we have had to revamp many of our ideas and rethink some features, this app could become something grand. Preliminary work on the app will likely be work on random text generation outside of Android Studio.

High-fives all around! (-Chris)